Tommy Man Hires an attorney!

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While I continue to wait on the release of my book, things have been developing behind the scenes. Tommy still only understands a little about what is going on and about to transpire, but he has made it very clear that he has his own plans as well. He is like a runaway freight train with ideas for his superhero character that he created and designed. I had planned on taking things nice and slow as we waited to see what my book was going to do, but he is not content waiting on me. So I had to find a way to reign him in to give him some focus and direction for what he wants to do. That has involved writing a business plan for his future endeavors and an action plan to follow. The first step involves him getting a trademark. So this week he hired a trademark attorney to start this process. Her name is Mrs. Ava Doppelt and is in Orlando. So the pictures above are of his meeting with her to begin this process. He looks so grown and business like. Not to mention that he acts like he understands what this is all about. Part of his business plan notebook includes pages of visuals and explanations of new terms broken down for easier understanding. Maybe he gets it or maybe he doesn’t, I don’t know. However, over time, I’m sure he will put the pieces together. He loves his attorney and she was very helpful in giving us more direction on how to proceed from here. Getting a trademark isn’t as easy as I thought it was going to be! It appears it will be a long process and a huge learning experience for us all as well. I am so excited about my book, but even more excited to watch Tommy learn and grow from this experience! Can’t wait to see how God uses Tommy and what he does in the days ahead! Stay tuned for new developments as they unfold!


    1. Thanks Gay! Let’s hope you feel that way after you read the book! Lol! Even Jack is getting excited about reading the book! I offered to let him read the manuscript before we got started but he wanted to wait to actual hold it and read it!

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