
Welcome to Our Superhero Life!  I guess you are thinking this is an odd name for a business.  You might also be wondering what a superhero has to do with a business.  Well, our story begins with my two sons that are on the autism spectrum.  My youngest Tommy is autistic and is obsessed with superheroes and Disney.  My oldest son is diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome and is my business partner in this superhero adventure.  It all started when I published a book about our journey of raising them.  Tommy created a superhero costume and character that I made, and he is on the cover of the book.  It is titled “How to train a Superhero: A story of Autism”.  Tommy is quite the entrepreneur and is constantly telling me what “Tommy Man” products he wants to produce.  Therefore, we have created this LLC to build a “Tommy Man” brand for all the products that are coming.  You will find some products already available in our store now but trust me there is much more to come!  Tommy thinks that Disney will one day make a movie about him.  Jack and I have partnered together to build a family empire around his superhero character.  It will be our legacy to leave for them and a way to inspire others to use their strengths to build something of their own.

We are a Christian family who loves the Lord.  Each of us are active in our church.  Tommy runs the sound system.  Jack, Teresia and husband John sing on the praise team as well as teach Sunday school from time to time.  Through our travels, we have had the chance to connect with Christian product vendors and have decided to create this ecommerce website to sell Christian and inspirational products along with the products associated with the “Tommy Man” brand.  We pray that everything we say and do honors the Lord and inspires others.  Teresia is available for speaking engagements, radio interviews, television interviews and book events.  Send us your questions and concerns to oursuperherolife@gmail.com.

We hope you will subscribe to our website to keep up with our story and receive notifications of any sales and promotions we might be running.

Answers to the trivia questions in the “Tommy Man” coloring book:

  1. Lake Alice on University of Florida campus
  2. Levy
  3. black sexlink
  4. frame
  5. Tommy Man
  6. Tommy Man
  7. minion tire figure
  8. May 8th
  9. Culver’s
  10. Orlando, Fl
  11. Albert & Alberta
  12. front of Gator Booster office on UF campus
  13. Harley Davidson
  14. Arabian
  15. yearling
  16. “How to train a Superhero: A story of Autism”
  17. Tommy Man’s mom
  18. live oak
  19. photoshopped from a picture of him on trampoline
  20. Mickey Mouse