My decorating Background

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When I was pregnant with Jack I began looking for something I could do to make money and be able to be a stay at home mom. My husband and I both had stay at home moms for the most part and felt it was important to provide that for our children as well. Some of my hobbies have always been crafting and making things for myself. For some reason, making things that saved us money was always very satisfying for me. I researched several party plan companies and discovered Home Interiors & Gifts. Later I joined the Home & Garden Party family that ended up as Celebrating Home. Through my association with them and being in that industry for over 32 years, I learned a lot about decorating and accessorizing a home. I have had many years of teachings about making a house a home for my family. Through workshops, motivational speakers and great mentoring I have fallen in love with my role as a wife, mother and homemaker. I would love to share some of these passions with you as well.

I was taught and believe, by Mary Crowley, that a home should be a haven, a place of refuge. It should be a place of peace and harmony and a place of beauty! We women wear many hats and among them is “homemaker”. God gave us that nesting instinct for this very purpose. Let me share and encourage you in that!


  1. While I’m reading I can feel your passion. I love that, not everyone has that gift. You are blessed my friend. May sun always shine on you. God Bless,
    Samantha Sise Harris

    1. Thank you Samantha! I am very passionate about my family and the things that the Lord has entrusted me with. He has blessed me so much and I don’t take those things and responsibilities lightly. Hope you will continue to read my posts and that they will in some way bless and enrich your life as well!

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