Christmas in the house and life of autism

Christmas crafted decoration on wooden background, close-up.
Christmas in the house and life of autism
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Each year as I grow older, I find myself being less and less prepared for the BIG day when it arrives. Each year I wait longer to gather up the Christmas gifts, the kids get less gifts, less Christmas lights get put up, less baking gets done and the list goes on. All this is… Continue reading Christmas in the house and life of autism

Waiting isn’t for sissies!

Waiting isn’t for sissies!
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Today I woke up thinking about how my time was spent yesterday and assessing what actually got accomplished. My plan was to wrap up the three tax returns I was working on and spend the rest of the day doing what I call “power listing” inventory into our Ebay store and Poshmark Closets. When I… Continue reading Waiting isn’t for sissies!