Birthday Bash or Bust!

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Well it is that time of year again! Tommy is on a huge mission. When he gets something into his head there is no getting rid of it! Many of you are aware that his birthday is May 8th. You know that because he has probably notified you a hundred times already that it is coming up and that you are invited to this big birthday party in Orlando. I weaned him off big theme parties when he was about 15 or 16 years old. I was so over all that and kept asking myself how much longer was I going to allow this to continue. I had to get creative about how I would be able to break him of this routine and still make his birthday special. I decided I would talk him into going on a weekend getaway to celebrate instead of a theme party. Since it was to go to Orlando to Disney he bought into it. It only took that one year to pull it off, but we have had to go there every year since then. I didn’t mind it much because I just let Jack take him to the parks while I relaxed at the resort by the pool! So this has been the new routine since that time. No fuss over a party just buy a cake from Publix, take him to the parks and dinner at the Kobe Japenese Steakhouse and it was a done deal for another year.

Well this year is a little different because this year the boy turns 30. In his mind this is a milestone and a BIG deal! So he is wanting a huge birthday bash at the resort where we stay and a big pool party. He thinks everyone he knows is going to show up for this party. At first I told him we weren’t going to do that, but then after his relentless efforts of texts, notes and messages posted all over the place, I decided if he wants to pay for the accommodations portion of this bash, then we would try to arrange the rest. He tried to tell me he wanted to stay 30 nights at the resort but I told him that was way to expensive. Then he suggested 9 nights and I said no, then he offered 5 and I said only if he paid for it. He had no problem with that so, he is ready and waiting. I have no idea how we are going about all this, but he keeps giving me a list of invitations and signs that he wants to order from Vista Print. Can I just say that nothing gets past this boy! Looks like I have a lot of work planned ahead of me to pull the rest of this bash together because it is booked and a done deal. Orlando is a long way for people to travel for a birthday party, but I think it will be a nice day regardless. As usual, Tommy is going to have a great birthday no matter what. I just hope he doesn’t expect it again next year!!


  1. We would come to his birthday party but my daughter is graduating from college in Pensacola that day

    1. And we would have loved to have you too! So glad to have you on board! Hope to see your daughter sign up as well!

  2. I will not be coming, but I am so touched that I got an invite! 💕 Will you text me your address so I can mail Tommy a birthday card? Love you all! Happy Birthday, Tommy! 💕

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