Letting Go

Letting Go
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I am always amazed at all the ways and places God speaks to me. It can be in the most unsuspecting places. What is even more amazing, is when you hear his voice so loud and clear that there is no doubt it is Him! I experienced this last month at a high school graduation.… Continue reading Letting Go

Party Aftermath

Party Aftermath
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The old saying, “My how time flies when you are having fun”, is so true. It hasn’t seemed like it has been that long since my last post, but evidently it’s been close to a month. I’ll be the first to admit that putting Tommy’s birthday party together was a lot of work and a… Continue reading Party Aftermath

Waiting isn’t for sissies!

Waiting isn’t for sissies!
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Today I woke up thinking about how my time was spent yesterday and assessing what actually got accomplished. My plan was to wrap up the three tax returns I was working on and spend the rest of the day doing what I call “power listing” inventory into our Ebay store and Poshmark Closets. When I… Continue reading Waiting isn’t for sissies!