A wife of noble character who can find?

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Proverbs 31 is my absolute favorite scripture in the Bible. It tells us of a virtuous woman. This scripture I have studied for many years and still study to this day. It rings true to so much of what I have been taught through my party plan career and what I believe about our place as women deep down in my soul. When I read that scripture I get tired just thinking about all that she is and does. I think, “man!” “Am I suppose to do all that?” However, what an amazing woman! As I have studied her over the years, I have decided that I want to be like her. I think God wants us to be like her. Then I think, “How different would the world be today, if we were women like her?” When I measure myself up next to her I know that I fall short. But everyday I get up and I learn from my failures and I try again.

There are so many liberal ideas out there about women and their place in this world. We take offense to being women and the things that make us who we are. Ladies, God created us to be very unique and to do things that only women can do. He did that because he was equipping us to fulfill his purpose for us in his plan. We should be proud and excited that he chose us to do these special things. Genesis 2:18 says that God created a “help meet” for Adam (man). Why do you think he did that? I think he created us to do the things and be the things that a man can’t do. To make up for his weaknesses, to “complete him”. (Not to sound corny!) I believe we should be honored and proud that God chose us because it is important and no easy task.

Have you ever sat and thought about the many hats(or names) that you wear as a woman? Let’s see how many we can name.

Child of God, Daughter, wife, mother, nurturer, doctor, cook, housekeeper, homemaker, taxi cab driver, confidant, mediator, therapist, personal shopper, teacher, gardener, vet, discipliner (I know, no such word but you know what I mean) bookkeeper, friend, seamstress, and the list goes on! Is it any wonder that God has equipped us with so much? How can you not believe that what we do and who we are is not important? As frustrating and complicated as we are to the men in our lives, they need us! I’ve never met a man who could do all that God has created us to do. So I want to encourage you through this page to be “that woman” who is proud of who God created her to be. Don’t be offended by “your place in the world”, stand tall and rock it!


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