Never ceases to Amaze

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This week has been interesting. There is one thing that I can say about my Tommy is that he is a persistent little devil. Or as he would say, “I’m not little I am big man”! When he gets something in his head, he doesn’t give up until he gets it. Lately, he is on this kick about going to college. Not just any college, “Disney College”. So is there such a thing? Well, to my knowledge there is Disney University and it is where Disney cast members begin their employment. It is a place where they train cast members to fulfill their roles and help the guests have a magical time during their visit. Tommy spends a lot of time researching these things on line and of course he sees his brother do all that he has since his employment with Disney. He doesn’t comprehend all that is involved, but of course to him it’s just part of his “Happily Ever After”. Somewhere he has found something that indicates that Disney College begins August 26th and that is when he will begin. The past several weeks he has been posting these pictures all around as reminders that he expects to be starting on August 26th. The pictures have Mickey & Minnie dressed in cap and gowns with a graduate in the center. His message is that this is going to be him. As I keep trying to tell him that he will not be starting there, the pictures have changed to having his pictured plastered over the young graduate in the middle. Obviously, we didn’t get the message right before, so he is making sure that we get a second chance at comprehension.

I also caught Tommy coming out of my office a couple of days ago, with that look on his face that he was up to something. When I asked him what he was doing in my office he said his usual “nothing”. I could tell he had something in his hand and when I asked him what it was he said, you guessed it, “nothing”. When I made him show me his hands he produced a little penguin flash drive. When I asked him what he was doing with that he said. “nothing”! When he realized that I was not going to let that slide, he said that he was getting his Tommy Superhero Costume pictures off my computer. First of all, let me say this, he is not suppose to be using or showing these pictures to anyone as they are connected to the book and I have some legal issues to take care of before all these are released. Secondly, how does he know what a flash drive is for or how to use it? I never taught him that because I don’t really know how to do that myself! This is the kind of stuff I deal with all the time, because he is so resourceful and doesn’t give up until he figures it out. He is like a sponge and is very observant and resourceful. When you think he is not paying attention, he is paying attention to every little detail. Today, I was waiting on a buyer to come pick up something and when I saw her coming, I said Tommy she’s here come on out and help us. He said, you mean Holly, she’s here! Yes, but again, how does he know which buyer and her name? I haven’t even spoke her name because we had been texting. Then when she was here, He called her by her name and asked her a question. She said, “how do you know my name?” I told her I was wondering that myself!

Tommy never ceases to amaze me. He lives in his own little fairy tale world. Oh, if life were that simple and we could live life through Tommy’s eyes. We could do and go anywhere we wanted to. Everyone would be obsessed with Disney and Superheros and we would spend our days living our “Happily Ever After” . We watch him at church, he runs our sound system during the worship time, and at the same time he sings with such uninhibited praise not caring what the rest of the world thinks! He has a blast whereever he goes whatever he does! Maybe we could learn a lesson or two from him!


    1. Yes Gay, I agree! Read my Facebook post tonight about his response to my showing him the cover design for the book. It was priceless! I missed my chance and should have recorded it for everyone! Love you!

    1. Hi Amy! He is definitely a trip! I can’t wait to see what he comes up with when we are promoting and touring for the book. There is no telling what he will do at any of the book signings!!

  1. Well , we knew in pre k he was going to be fast and persistent when he had made up his mind about something! But how amazing that he has created such a wonderful world to live in !
    How ever you still have to be on your toes to stay one step ahead of him. Can’t wait to read the book!

    1. You are so right, Mary Ellen! Fast and persistent doesn’t even come close sometimes. I would much rather live in his world! He will either keep us forever young or put us in an early grave trying to keep up with him! Preferably keep us young! Lol!!

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