Only a mother knows

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I know I haven’t posted in a while and for that I apologize. Sometimes life just gets away from me and I don’t realize how much time has passed. For those of you keeping track of my book being published, we are in the page layout stage. I am hoping to get another sample layout soon since sending in some change requests for the first one. It feels like an eternity has passed and we are still not done yet. Waiting is so hard!

Anyway, there has been something on my heart that I have wanted to share but I was hoping I could figure out how to add a video to this post. So I have tried and in the end if it does not show up, I apologize. I am technically challenged for sure. It is a video from Americas Got Talent that I had shared on my Facebook page, so you can check it out there if you don’t see it on this post. It is a video of a young man who is autistic and blind who sings a song and plays the piano. First of all, let me tell you that if I have watched that video once, I have watched it a hundred times. I can’t get enough of it. He has a beautiful voice and is very talented, I would love to hear him sing some other songs as well. But as amazing as his performance is and the fact that he received the golden buzzer from Grabrielle, I had to ask myself why was I so drawn to watch that video over and over. The answer is it’s because of the connection I felt with his mother.

If you watch his mom, throughout the whole video and notice how she assists him and prepares him, you will see a mother who has spent a lot of time helping him to coexist in this world. She has spent many hours searching for ways to help him be the best that he can be. My guess is that she has been the one to watch him struggle with the simplest things, teach him, encourage him and catch him when he falls. While she isn’t the only one, because it is very evident that they are a very close knit family and that there is a lot of love and support there, it is obvious that she has a deep connection with her son. I watched her body language and facial expressions as she kneels to set the stage for him with words before he begins his performance. She whispers and lets him know that all eyes are on him and that his “one moment in time” is now as she leaves him to shine on his own. As she watches him offstage, the cameras capture her standing there with tears in her eyes, so proud with her heart about to burst. She knows the challenges that he has overcome to bring him to this moment in time. She wants so badly for him to have success to reward him for the hard work that he has put forth and the challenges that he has overcome. As the judges share their thoughts and amazement, they are spot on. I think Julianne Hough said it best when she said we all need a voice and that she heard him and felt him and that it was beautiful. I believe we all are given a gift to use as our voice and he has certainly found his. Simon was so right when he said that he and his mom have an amazing relationship. It is exuded throughout the whole experience. As a watch that video over and over, I applaud mom as well for a job well done. I know from my own experience that there is no greater joy than to see him succeed and know that she is so very proud! For I too, have felt my heart swell up with pride to the point that I thought it was going to burst out of my chest. Because no one knows better than a mom!

Now before you guys get upset, I want you to know that I realize there are some dads who are just as involved with their children and know the struggles and heartbreaks as well. You have been great role models, encouragers and providers. I do not diminish your part in your children’s lives because you that are involved play a very important part. It is because of you that provide that we moms can be the moms we need to be. It is because of you that we have the opportunity to nuture and build the relationships that we have with our children. And in situations like these, we can go the extra mile to help them overcome their challenges. It is because of you that only a mom knows better than anyone.


    1. Thanks Gay! I have found there to be something special about each autistic person I have met. God does have a purpose for them!

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