Belated Book Launch Party Thank You!

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Thank you to Mr. Len Wagner for the great pictures he sent!

Well I know this is a little late, well actually really late, but I wanted to say “Thank you” to everyone who came out to my book launch party. It really meant more than you’ll ever know! For those of you who didn’t make it, I thought I would fill you in on what you missed. First of all, the turnout was not what I had hoped, but we still had about 40-50 people who showed up. I was really excited about sharing the direction of Our Superhero Life, LLC. I read a chapter of my book called “The Grumpy Old Lady”. It was short and sweet! Jack introduced our superhero of Bronson, Florida as “Tommy Man” calls himself. He interviewed him with some questions. After we finished sharing, everyone wanted their picture taken with Tommy Man and not me the author! I have a feeling when this is all over I will have made him famous and no one will still know who I am! Anyway, I shared about the fact that we are in the process of getting a trademark for “Tommy Man” for the future of “Our Superhero Life” projects. We have no idea how far God is going to take all this, but we are just trying to get all our duckies in a row!

I chose the old high school gym as the location for my book launch party because so much of my life was spent there. I went to school there for most my life, played basketball there, attended dances and prom there, met my husband there and just shared so much with friends there. Even though it was a hot place to be that night, it just seemed like the most logical place to be. I wanted to especially thank my church family for being so supportive in all this and taking care of the refreshments for me that night. Thank you to my friends and family that helped out by taking care of other tasks so that I could spend time talking with my guests. To all of my friends and family that attended, I can’t thank you enough for coming and being a part of this event. You have no idea how much it meant to me! I know you didn’t know what to expect since no one had ever been to a book launch party before. I did have a huge surprise that just made my night, and that was that Mr. Robert Alwood and his wife Terrie, my high school principal showed up! I was so surprised and so honored to have him there! For those of you who went to high school with me, you really missed it if you didn’t make it! Mr. Alwood was the best!! He would have loved to see more of you! So in my book, the book launch party was a success!!


  1. It sounds like such a terrific night. So sorry I couldn’t share it with you. Tommy Man is so cute and you can tell so really proud. You are an awesome mother. Love you 😍


    1. Thank you Gay! Wish you could have been there as well! Looking forward to reading your book review as well! Hint! Hint! Lol!! Love you too!

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